Child Nutrition

Child Nutrition Resources

Important Forms

SFS Contact Information

300 Parkway Drive
Natchitoches, LA 71457
P: (318) 352-3438
F: (318) 238-2396

School Food Service Standards

Nutrition Standards
We participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) which is governed by federal (United States Department of Agriculture) and state (Department of Education) regulations. The menu planning system required by the NSLP is designed to provide children with approximately one-third of the key nutrients and calories they need according to the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA’s).

Offer Verses Serve
In an attempt to reduce food waste, amendments to the National School Lunch Act introduced the Over Verses Serve (OVS) provision. This amendment mandated that students may choose any three, four or five lunch components. A student’s decision to decline food items or accept smaller portions does not affect the charge for lunch. However, all students are encouraged to take the entire lunch.

Child Nutrition Program
You may download the Diet Prescription form 

Apply For Free Meals

EXCEPT FOR NSU ELEMENTARY AND NSU MIDDLE LAB, all NPSB schools operate under the Community Eligibility Provision which allows students to receive breakfast and lunch at no charge.  

If your student does not attend a CEP school, you may apply for free or reduced-price meals.


Students who qualify for reduced price meals by household size and income levels in the National School Lunch and Breakfast program, will receive meals free of charge.

Students must fill out an application to determine if they qualify for free or reduced status.  Parents can fill out an application at Now.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding NPSB’s Child Nutrition Program for the 2023-2024 school year, please call the NPSB Food Service office at (318) 352-3438.

Departmental Staff

Shauna Hicks

Child Nutrition District Manager

Valerie McCoy

Child Nutrition Secretary

Connie Gallion

Child Nutrition Specialist