Early Childhood Education


Public Elementary School Pre-K programs serve 4-year-olds. Public School Pre-K programs also serve 3-year-old students with an IEP or IFSP.

These programs will work collaboratively with families and the community in order to provide high quality, developmentally appropriate, early childhood education that will meet the diverse needs of all participating children and prepare them for a positive and successful educational experience.

Applications are accepted year-round.  There is no cost to enroll in a Pre-K Program and transportation is provided. 

Pre-K is not required by the Louisiana State of Education; therefore, there are a limited number of seats available.  

For more information, visit www.readysetlearn.npsb.la or visit the Louisiana School and Center Finder at www.louisianaschools.com.

Natchitoches Parish Network

Early Childhood image

The Natchitoches Parish Early Childhood Care and Education Network has 6 public school Pre-K Programs, 5 Head Starts, and 9 Childcare Centers.

The Natchitoches Parish Early Childhood Network's mission is to help all children reach their full potential and acquire a lifelong love for learning.

Departmental Staff

Melissa White

Early Childhood Coordinator

Elizabeth Bolds

Early Childhood Administrative Assistant


Helen Calhoun

Coordinator of Homeless Education and Parent Involvement