East Natchitoches Elementary School hosted East Dad’s Day Out on Friday, October 21st!
Over 180 men attended this inaugural event. Dads, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, pastors, and father figures participated in athletic activities with their youth. Two teams of dads competed for the title of winner in the mock NBA All Star Basketball Skills Challenge while students participated in basketball, volleyball, bowling, and much more. One memorable moment of this occasion was the "WE STAND with EAST" exercise. Hundreds of our students eagerly awaited to run through a tunnel of smiling dads giving high fives and encouragement.
Eagle Ambassadors President, Kendall Shepard, stated, “ I loved it all around! It was cool that we got to hang out with our dads at school. It was fun to see them participate in games, do dribble challenges, and show off what they thought were their good basketball moves. Most of all we just loved them being there. It was so awesome that we got to share with everyone who was so important in our lives as father figures! I can’t wait until Mom’s Day!”
Principal Chrystal A. Davis shared, “I am extremely grateful for the family/community partnership our school has established and maintained for the last five years. This initiative serves to highlight and support fatherhood engagement in education at East Natchitoches Elementary. Seeing the camaraderie among so many men as they met teachers, played games, and fellowshipped with each other was exhilarating. It is truly evident through the outstanding attendance today that our staff and fathers cherish a common love, our children.”
The East Natchitoches family would like to thank the NSU baseball team and the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated for joining this monumental occasion. Special thanks to Bishop William Roberson (The Mogee Man) for providing lunch for the staff and grilling hot dogs for all attendees.