Message from Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Let me be the first to welcome you to Fairview Alpha Elementary! I am very proud of our dedicated staff and enthusiastic learners, and I’m pleased that you have chosen our school for your child’s education.
As demands of teaching children increase, it becomes more evident that we all need to work together to insure that our children reach their fullest potential. I believe that all of us- the school and the community- must work together as an extended family to insure success for all our students. It’s our responsibility to empower children with the creative, intellectual, and decision-making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically, and emotionally successful.
One of our most important responsibilities to you is that we keep you informed of all that is taking place at the school. One of the ways we do this is regularly updating our school website. You can find up-to-date events, classroom photographs, and additional information, so I encourage you to visit it as often as possible. Another way of keeping you informed is through our Facebook page. Please join and keep up with all of the wonderful things happening at Fairview Alpha.
I look forward to working with each and every one of you this year.
Brooke Williams
Fairview Alpha Elementary