Message From the Principal

My name is Karla Renter. This is my twenty-sixth year in education. When I was in the classroom I was a high school math and English teacher. This is my fifth year as an administrator. I am a native and resident of Mansfield, LA. I am the mother of two sons ages twenty-six and twenty-three. I am a graduate of Mansfield High School, Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge (undergraduate), and Louisiana State University in Shreveport (masters and plus thirty).
I am excited about the opportunity to serve at Lakeview Junior Senior High School. My entire educational experience has been spent at high school and middle schools. Now I have the opportunity to take what I have learned and use it to lead Gator Nation.
We at Lakeview Junior Senior High School are blessed to have aspects of our school that are thriving. Our Culinary Arts Program, FFA, JROTC, and athletics are just a few of the areas where our Gators have excelled. My vision for Lakeview is that our thriving programs will continue to thrive. I want our students to have the opportunity to have a part in activities outside of their academic classes. It is through these organizations that the true, long-lasting relationships are formed. This is where students are able to find a sense of belonging.
Although we know extracurricular activities are where students form relationships and foster a sense of belonging, it is what happens in the classroom that shows the growth that the students make. My vision for Lakeview also involves improving our test scores. Our students should be able to show what they have learned on LEAP and on ACT. With the implementation of a new evaluation system for teachers, this will translate into more effective instruction in the classroom which will result in higher student achievement.
I am also working to change the culture of Lakeview Junior Senior High School. I want the students to know they have a voice. I want the junior high and high school students to feel as if they have a part in Lakeview. I want Lakeview to be a place where students want to be, where they are accepted, and where they know they belong. All of the stakeholders of Lakeview High School should proudly declare we are a part of GATOR NATION!