Message from the Principal

Principal’s Message:
Welcome to Northwestern State University Middle Laboratory School. Mrs. Natalie Ducote is thrilled to serve as Principal of the Middle Lab School for the 2024-2025 school year. As a former student and teacher, as well as a current NSUM parent, Mrs. Ducote is 100% invested in the academic success and overall continued improvement of our school.
Located in the Teacher Education Center on the NSU Campus, the school’s purpose is to provide highly engaging learning opportunities for our sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students, as well as quality field experiences for many of Louisiana’s future teachers.
Early adolescence, or the middle school years, is a time of dramatic change for our youth. At no other time in their lives will students grow more socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually than during the middle years. That is why this is such a challenging, yet rewarding, time for students, parents, and teachers. We all must function as a caring, learning community.
NSU Middle Lab School has a rich history of providing meaningful and memorable education for our students. The ultimate goal is to have the middle years be the best years of every student’s school career. We are very proud of our record of achievement here at NSU Middle Lab School- “Where Learning Comes First.”
Natalie Ducote
NSUM Principal
Phone: (318) 238-4011