Full-Time Virtual Program

Students engaged in the full-time virtual classroom will complete their full academic requirements virtually through Edgenuity.
Students who are admitted to Natchitoches Virtual Academy (NVA) as full-time virtual students will complete all of their coursework online under the guidance of NVA faculty and staff. However, students will still have the same privileges as students at their home-based school. This means that students can remain involved in sports, extracurriculars, and honor societies.
Students will continue to work with the guidance counselor at their home-based school to complete standardized testing and college applications.
Application Criteria for Students
Students must be a resident of Natchitoches Parish and exhibit a Grade Point Average of 2.5 or greater.
The student should not have more than ten (10) days of unexcused absences in the school year prior to applying.
Students must provide proof of reliable internet service.
After the Student Application is received in full, all students are required to participate in an interview with NVA staff.