Our School

Mission Statement
To engage everyone in a united effort to provide lifelong learning.
Belief Statement
The faculty and staff of Natchitoches Central High School believe that every student is entitled to an education in a safe, disciplined, and challenging environment. Furthermore, we believe that an education must include not only academics by also basic life skills that will prepare students to live and function successfully in our society. To the end, we believe that Natchitoches Central High School must provide for both college and non-college-bound students. Teachers must inspire students to achieve their full potential by instilling in them a strong work ethic and desire to learn. Students must exhibit self-discipline and not infringe on the rights of other students to learn. Finally, we believe that the responsibility for the success of our students must be assumed by all-administrators, teachers, students, parents, and the community.
History of NCHS
Natchitoches Central High School is located on the Natchitoches Bypass between property owned by NSU and the Louisiana Technical College. It serves students from the Parish Seat of Natchitoches as well as the villages of Provencal, Robeline, Marthaville, Allen, and Cloutierville. All students in Natchitoches who live below the Red River Bridge, with the exception of part of Payne Subdivision, are served by Natchitoches Central High School. The unique aspect of combining students from town with those from the more rural areas has been a duty of both excellence and pride for all stakeholders associated with the school. The history of Natchitoches Central High began with the purpose of inclusion of all. This is still a highlight of the school’s mission.
The CHIEF is the school mascot, and the school colors are maroon, gold, and white.