It was STRAWmania in second grade today! Students worked together to count and bundle 1000 straws as an introduction to place value.

Fairview Alpha students were excited to meet NSU men’s basketball coach and players today. They are with the Stay in to Win program and came to speak to 3-6 grade students. They talked to the students about never giving up, creating good study habits and always doing their best. FORM ’EM DEMONS!!! 😈😈😈

Congratulations to September’s Marvelous Students!!!!

Check out the smiles!
It was a fabulous Friday in 2nd Grade! We enjoyed concessions with friends and a visit to the Wildcat Store to spend our Wildcat bucks!

We had a GRAND turnout with 118 grandparents coming for Grandparents Day. All of the grandchildren were so excited to eat with their grandparents. Thank you to everyone who showed up. Fairview Alpha is on the move!!!